Mail-In Repairs

Not able to make it to our location? Try our Mail-In Repair Services.

  • Include Your Information

    Don’t forget to included your name, phone number or email, description of issue and password to phone. Upon receiving your electronic device, one of our experienced technicians will conduct a preliminary inspection on your device, and contact you immediately with confirmation of Mail-In Repair Service Request and go over the prices with you.

  • Ship Your Device To Us

    VanCell Phone Repairs, 3292 E 29th Ave, Vancouver, B.C V5R 1W6.

    Canada Post costs around $10-$15 to ship a phone (depending on location) which includes a tracking number. If you send it this method please include a return prepaid envelope (we do not ship collect) or a $15 return shipping fee will be applied to the repair. You can also send it via courier or whichever method you choose.

  • We will handle the rest

    • We will call or email you with confirmation
    • We will provide a free no obligation estimate
    • We will fix the device as quickly as possible
    • You will provide payment and we’ll send your device back