Archive for tag: samsung repair

iPhone with a broken screen

Is Phone Insurance Worth The Cost?

It can happen in an instant. You’re walking down the street and decide to make a call. A passing pedestrian bumps your arm and your smartphone slips from your hand. You watch helplessly as it tumbles,...

Phone with low battery charging

3 Tips For Dealing With Phone Battery Issues

You need to get that Uber headed your way to get home late at night, but there’s a problem – your cell phone battery has already called it a night. If you’ve brought a charger and have access to a qui...

Hand holding smartphone

The Social and Environmental Impact of Mobile Phones

Take a bus only a few stops in any city in Europe and you’ll witness the profound impact of mobile phones on society. Consistently, most passengers sit glued to their smartphones; eyes are cast ...

Various types of smartphone

High Phone Usage Linked To Preference for Quicker But Smaller Rewards

People who spend a lot of time on their smartphones are more likely to act impulsively and opt for instant rewards, a new study shows. German researchers found a link between high smartphone use – par...